Lead / Create / Contribute
235 Hope Road, Tinton Falls, NJ 07724  /  732.542.4777

Schoolwide Book Fair

RSPA's Annual Book Fair returns to Panther Hall Gallery this February!

Parents are invited to join us February 24-28 throughout the day to volunteer or shop the Book Fair!

Lower School students will have the opportunity to shop with their classes at designated times while Middle and Upper School students may shop during their flex periods.  

For questions regarding the Book Fair, please contact RSPABookFair@gmail.com.

Pre-Order Book Fair Gift Certificates!

Would you like to help your child's teacher enhance their classroom library?  Purchase a Book Fair gift certificate!  Gift certificates will be available for advance purchase and can be made out for any amount and can presented to any teacher, including special subjects and for the libraries!

To pre-order gift certificates for the Book Fair, click here.

Parent Volunteers Needed

Parent volunteers are needed to assist younger students while shopping.  To learn more about volunteer opportunities, please click here for details.

Ranney School

235 Hope Road
Tinton Falls, NJ 07724
Tel. 732.542.4777

Our mission is to know and value every child, nurturing intellectual curiosity and confidence, and inspiring students to lead honorably, think creatively, and contribute meaningfully to society.