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235 Hope Road, Tinton Falls, NJ 07724  /  732.542.4777

Ranney Board of Trustees

    • Board of Trustees

Ranney is fortunate to have an incredibly supportive and distinguished group of Trustees, including parents, alumni, and past parents, who bring a range of experience and professional skill to the work of governance. The role of the Board of Trustees at independent schools, like Ranney, is to help set the strategic vision of the school and marshal resources to support this vision. As in other 501()(3) nonprofit schools, the Board approves and stewards the school's mission and also approves the annual budget and tuition changes. Ranney's Board of Trustees does not set operational policies or direct curricular/programmatic changes at the school. The Board also does not get involved in hiring decisions, with the exception of its role in hiring and evaluating the Head of School. The Board is invaluable in supporting the school's overall vision, but it does not play a role in the daily operations and management of the school.
Ranney also enjoys the support of a broad group of volunteer parents and alumni who sit on various Board Committees. These committees include: Education, Marketing, Development, Diversity, Operations, the Medical Advisory Board, and the Alumni Leadership Council. The school also has Governance and Finance Committees comprised of Trustee members. Each of our Board committees is each Chaired by a member of the Board of Trustees along with an administrative liaison from the school's leadership team. The purpose of these Board Committee meetings is to solicit feedback and support related to a wide variety of school initiatives. For example, members of the Marketing Committee might discuss how to reach new communities or brainstorm taglines for advertising campaigns. The Development Committee helps Advancement craft messages to explain the purpose of the Ranney Fund and often assists in reaching out to peer parents to encourage everyone to participate at any level with which they feel comfortable. While these committees play a valuable role in providing feedback to the Head and school leadership team, these committees also do not direct operational policy.

Becoming a Board Member

The opportunity to join the Board of Trustees begins with participation on a Board Committee. To join a Board Committee, an individual may express interest by contacting a current Board Member or a member of the Ranney Leadership Team (i.e., Head of School, Assistant Head of School, or Chief Advancement Officer). Members of the Board and Leadership Team often also nominate prospective Committee members for particular Committees based on their experience or expertise. A member of the Governance Committee will meet with prospective Committee members prior to inviting them to join a Committee. Individuals are asked to make a one- or two-year commitment to the Committee.

Committee members may be nominated to become Trustees of the Board after serving on a Board Committee for one or two years. To be considered as a new Trustee, the individual must be nominated/identified by a Committee Chair, the Governance Chair, the Board Chair, or the Head of School. Candidates then participate in interviews with the Head of School, Board Chair, Governance Chair, and one or two Trustees. Pending approval, the individual is invited to join the Board.

The timeframe for nominating and reviewing new Committee members and Trustees runs January-May each year. New terms align with the academic year, beginning July 1. All Board Members are required to sign Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest statements.

Board of Trustees

Joe Guiliano

Michael Abboud
Vice Chair

Kenneth Moore

Christian Giordano

Dr. Ramil Bhatnagar
Dr. Shamina Dhillon
Dr. Niraj Govil '85
Dr. Walter Greason '91
Brian Guzman
Jennifer Kane
Lisa Mallach
Mita Menezes
Irene Paulus '96
Diane Schmelz
Laura Twomey

Trustees Emeritus
Bob Chandler
Christopher Fitzmaurice
Dr. Daniel Goldberg
Jamie Price
Dr. Brian Torpey

Board Committees

List of 10 frequently asked questions.

  • Development

    Facilitates partnerships among school community members in an effort to cultivate philanthropic support.
  • Diversity

    Advances the goals of Ranney’s Diversity Statement and supports an inclusive community that celebrates a spectrum of cultures, beliefs and talents.
  • Education & Student Life

    Monitors progress made toward strategic academic and student life initiatives.
  • Finance

    Works with staff to develop and report on the school’s long-range financial plan, investments, and annual budget, including tuition. Participation on this committee is limited to Trustees.
  • Governance

    Cultivates new committee members and Trustees, and facilities the board’s self-assessment. Participation on this committee is limited to Trustees.
  • Marketing

    Develops internal and external outreach strategies; supports collaboration with the local community.
  • Medical Advisory

    Advises the school on policies related to health and well-being of students and is working in partnership with the school to explore curricula to promote resilience in our students.
  • Ad Hoc Committees

    Strategic Planning, Crisis Management, and Legal Advisory
  • Executive

    Coordinates the work of the Board and is comprised of the Board's officers; oversees evaluation of Head’s performance and sets the head’s compensation. Participation on this committee is limited to Trustees.
  • Campus Operations

    Works with staff to develop and monitor the master site plan, including the review of security and sustainability.

Ranney School

235 Hope Road
Tinton Falls, NJ 07724
Tel. 732.542.4777

Our mission is to know and value every child, nurturing intellectual curiosity and confidence, and inspiring students to lead honorably, think creatively, and contribute meaningfully to society.