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From the Desk of College Guidance – A Ranney School College Guidance Series

Pull up a chair at the desk of Ranney’s College Guidance Office, as its new series, From the Desk of College Guidance, takes an in-depth look through the eyes of Ranney’s very own college counselors and out into the ever-changing world of college admissions. This informative series will include articles on such topics as the Ranney college guidance process, specialized schools, the value of community service and more.
Q&A With Ranney's Dartmouth Duo - Melissa and Natalie Cantave '12
"Lifers" Melissa and Natalie Cantave ’12, who have attended Ranney School since Kindergarten, will say farewell to the home they’ve known for 13 years this spring. Before heading to Dartmouth in the fall, the twin sisters would like to share with the entire Ranney community what their time here has meant, and how several mentors inside and outside of the College Guidance Office have positively impacted their decisions and successes.

Meeting with a member of the Ranney Communications Department, the girls comfortably shared their story during a question-answer interview as they reflected on the journey they took to get where they are today. Volunteering to answer first was older sibling Melissa or Missy (she preceded her sister by four minutes). Her responses were followed by thoughts from Natalie, better known as Nat:
  • Tell me a little about yourself, your activities, hobbies and other interests?
Melissa- I like to swim, I play tennis, and I’m Treasurer of the Class of 2012’s Class Council. I like to read books in my spare time — lots of crime or historical fiction novels — or just read online. I’m a pretty happy person. I like to make people laugh and smile, and I like hanging out with my friends at the mall. I try my best at everything I do.
Natalie- I play tennis, run track and do swim. I am Class Council Secretary and have been for three years. I like helping people learn new things. For instance, as community service, I help out as a swim instructor with the Panther Cubs’ swim program. I like to work with kids. I also participate in the Lower School internship program.
  • How has enrolling at Ranney School in Kindergarten positively impacted the paths you’ve taken since?
Melissa– When we enrolled in Kindergarten, the idea of attending a private school was new to me because I was in a daycare center first. The intimacy, the small class sizes and the teachers who were willing to help have really impacted my life. My teachers made me want to learn more; to learn different types of things, to try new things and to just be open. Going into college, I think I’m pretty prepared.
Natalie- I think the idea of being in a small classroom setting and knowing everyone fosters a community where everyone is known and valued, and I’ve always felt respected. Because of how dedicated the teachers are, every one of them has impacted my life, and has helped me make great choices. A small, intimate, community is important because the advice I received from teachers and advisors helped steer me in the right direction. They were all really supportive.
  • What was your favorite part about being a Panther for so long?
Melissa- My favorite part about being a Panther is knowing everyone. In knowing everyone, I connect with people more easily. My classmates wanted to be here just as much as I did, and that was a big part of my Ranney experience; everyone wanting to do well, to be successful and to support me. That was huge for me.
Natalie- My favorite thing about Ranney is being a student in classes with wonderful, dedicated teachers. Teachers are a large part of the reason Ranney provides such a great education. Everyone, the students, are all supportive. We work hard, and I think it’s because we have teachers that can’t be found anywhere else. Being able to connect with them makes all the difference.
  • What is your favorite memory at Ranney?
Melissa - I have so many great memories! My favorite memory is actually an entire grade level — fifth grade with Mrs. Doreen Fowlkes. At first, I was a little scared, but when I went into my class, she was so nice, so dedicated and so loyal to helping me. I loved her class and had so much fun with her. That was one of my most memorable years.
Natalie- Being in Mrs. Veronica Warren’s freshman English class. I think this is because it was such a small class, and she is such a wonderful teacher. We always had fun with her, and she made English interesting. Even though I’m not the best English student she helped me improve my writing so much, and she’s such a great advisor that I even transferred into her homeroom.
  • In what ways has Ranney changed since you first enrolled?
Melissa– Physically, it has expanded; it has the new Lower School building, new tennis courts, new swim blocks. Also, when we were in the Lower School, we didn’t use a lot of technology, but I think the technology at Ranney has improved. It’s easier to access things now with all the improved technology like iPads and we have our own laptops we can use for homework. I think it has really helped us a lot.
Natalie- I have to agree with Missy, too. I remember seeing the dirt track and now, seeing the new and improved track. The school’s goals and how our teachers just want us to be successful and go to college…that hasn’t changed though.
  • What did you like most about the classes offered in the Upper School?
Melissa- I like the wide variety; I could take AP Chemistry and Euro at the same time, or take World History and Ethics together. Not only do I like the wide diversity, but I also like the challenge as well. When we were little and looking for a school, my parents knew they wanted the school we chose to challenge us to learn, to think. Having that challenging curriculum, and taking so many AP classes — I think I’ve taken 11 — has really helped me build on my critical thinking.
Natalie– The classes offered are challenging, but still enjoyable. Ranney’s curriculum covers various interests by providing different kinds of AP English courses, Art History, World History, Physics and Bio classes. Just trying different classes can open up one’s interests and horizons.
  • Which teacher, coach or other important figure in your life has played the biggest role in guiding you to the success you have achieved thus far?
Melissa- I wouldn’t limit it to just one teacher or coach because there have been so many. I’ll name three: Mr. Gerald Gantz, Mrs. Veronica Warren and Mr. Emmett Walling. They’ve really helped me. Mr. Gantz taught me how to learn, Mrs. Warren helped me a lot with my writing skills, and Mr. Walling…I mean I’ve known him for a long time and he’s really helped me improve my swim strokes. There have been so many people who have helped me, but those teachers and coaches are just a few examples of those who have impacted my success.
Natalie- Mrs. Veronica Warren…just for being an advisor and supporter. The College Office too. I could limit it to my college guidance counselor, but as a whole the entire college office has been really helpful and supportive.
  • In terms of enrolling at and being accepted to Dartmouth, how has the College Guidance Office at Ranney helped you reach this goal?
Melissa– The College Guidance Office was so helpful! The admissions process is pretty daunting, but Ms. Myra Simpson, Mr. Adam Materasso and Ms. Cathy Hicks…they all helped us. Ms. Simpson, in particular, was so helpful with deadlines and correcting stuff grammatically. I’m so thankful for her.
Natalie- I think one of the best things about the Upper School is definitely the College Office. Through their dedication and supportiveness, they are just incredible. I have always been an organized person, but I feel that with the college process and all the deadlines, the office kept me even more organized. Working with them and collaborating just made everything more successful.
  • Why did you choose to apply to Dartmouth?
Melissa- When Nat and I were searching for schools, we looked at each one holistically. We took into account academics, sports, college life activities like sororities and food, and visited a lot of schools from freshman until junior year. We visited about 30 or so before Dartmouth. By the time we visited Dartmouth, we kind of knew what we wanted; a small-sized school with a culture where students and professors really support you and want you to do well. Dartmouth really fit that picture. Although it is isolated, it has some of the best undergraduate professors. I also liked the idea of their D-Plan, which is a unique quarter system where classes are 10 weeks each and you can take three classes. During one of those quarters you can study abroad, do internships or just take a vacation and I really liked that too.
Natalie- The main thing was definitely academics. I wanted a place where I could be challenged and take different classes. Size was important too because after being at Ranney for 13 years, it would be totally different being accepted to a school of over 10,000. Also important was life on campus, the types of students that are on campus, and the different activities available.
  • How does it feel knowing that your sister will be by your side while at Dartmouth? Did you plan this?
Melissa- At first, Natalie and I weren’t sure we wanted to go to the same school, so no we weren’t planning on it. I think in the end though, we really did want to go to the same school, and just didn’t say it. I’m pretty relieved and happy because it’s nice to have someone there for the first couple of weeks. I can make my own friends, but also still have Natty there…someone who I know.
Natalie- It’s a comfort knowing that Missy will be by my side. Our College Guidance counselors told us to keep our college guidance processes separate and not be influenced by each other. I think that was really important because what if one of us liked a school, but the other one didn’t and we still wanted to be together. We tried to be individuals. But in the end, when we were narrowing it down, it just happened this way. Dartmouth was the last college we visited. We knew we wanted to stay on the east coast and I think after seeing so many schools and walking onto Dartmouth we were both like ‘Why wasn’t this the first one we visited!?’
  • How has Ranney prepared you for what lies ahead in the college world?
Melissa- I think the challenging curriculum I took really prepared me. Taking a bunch of APs and honors classes has put me in the right mindset to handle Dartmouth’s academically challenging atmosphere. Also, I think that establishing good student-teacher relationships has helped me. Teachers at Ranney are really accessible and are always willing to help. Creating a relationship with a teacher easily at Ranney will help me in the future when I have to talk to my professors for help.
Natalie– Ranney’s challenging curriculum allowed me to take classes I was interested in, and still feel challenged. Just knowing that I was successful in these classes gave me more confidence after taking 11 APs.
  • What will you miss the most about Ranney?
Melissa- Well we’re moving from what I think in the Upper School is about 200 students to about a thousand now…so small size, and I’ll miss my teachers, my friends and just the sense of community felt at Ranney. It’s one of a kind.
Natalie- I’d have to say the friends I’ve made, especially the ‘Lifer’ friends I’ve made and still maintain relationships with after 13 years. Some of the teachers and role models here, and the memories I’ve made as well.
  • Are there any particular activities you'd like to continue participating in while in college?
Melissa- I think in college I want to try something new, but I either want to do club or intramural swimming and tennis too. Maybe I’ll join the class government as well, but I definitely want to do sports in college. I know I also want to join the outing club because I want to get in touch with nature more.
Natalie- I’d say definitely club tennis. Swimming…more recreational or intramural. I want to try different sports like Frisbee or volleyball. One of my plans is to do some more skiing and hopefully get involved in student government.
  • Before continuing on to Dartmouth this fall, is there any piece of advice you’d like to give or final words you’d like to impart to those you’ll leave behind?
Melissa- The biggest advice I give to everyone: Always try your best and take all the rigorous classes. Never be afraid to be curious because being curious to learn, challenging yourself and trying your best will put you at a higher standpoint for success and you’ll feel good about it too. Don’t get stressed over the college process. There will be times when you have deadlines to meet, homework to finish, and sports to play, and the world feels like its going to collapse on you. Just take a second and breathe and everything will be ok because in the end you will get into the first or second college of your choice.
Natalie- For underclassmen, when looking at colleges, one of the most important things is to find the right match for you. I think that’s one of the things that the College Guidance Office is just wonderful at because a lot of people look for big names, but it’s the match that you should be looking for. If you’re a student who wants a city school you’re going to find that school eventually. Take as challenging a curriculum as you can as individuals. Activities-wise, do something that you love because of what you’re interested in, not because it looks good on a college application. If you stay committed to something you love, that’s more impressive than trying three different things you don’t like. Don’t be afraid to make different connections with different people, like teachers. Teachers are there, they’re supportive, and they’re wonderful. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Ask questions you’d be surprised to get the answer to. Make the most of your education career because you’ll never get to repeat it.
While Melissa concluded with, “I love Ranney. I’ll miss it a lot,” Natalie added, “Reflecting on my Ranney years, I couldn’t picture myself anywhere else.”

Read more articles in this series on the College Guidance page.

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Tinton Falls, NJ 07724
Tel. 732.542.4777

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