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Ranney Students Shine At Shakespeare Competition

Peter Giovine ’10 and his sister Evelyn Giovine ‘12 recently represented Ranney School at the annual Monmouth County English-Speaking Union Shakespeare Competition held on March 6 at Brookdale Community College.

Peter Giovine ’10 and his sister Evelyn Giovine ‘12 recently represented Ranney School at the annual Monmouth County English-Speaking Union Shakespeare Competition held on March 6 at Brookdale Community College.

The English-Speaking Union (ESU) was formally organized in the United States in 1920, two years after the establishment of its counterpart in the British Commonwealth. It was conceived as a nonpolitical association dedicated to furthering friendship and understanding among English-speaking peoples around the world. Since 1983, approximately 250,000 students from public, independent and parochial high schools have explored the beauty and scope of Shakespeare’s language through the National Shakespeare Competition

Annually, 16,000 students and 2,000 teachers from 60 ESU Branches participate in a curriculum-based program designed to help high school students develop their communications skills and appreciation of language and literature, through the study, interpretation and performance of Shakespeare’s monologues and sonnets. Students participate in three qualifying stages at the school, Branch and national levels. The National Competition winner is awarded a full tuition scholarship to the British American Drama Academy’s Midsummer Conservatory Program in Oxford, England.

According to John Doyle, Ranney’s Middle and Upper School drama teacher, “Both Evelyn and Peter were strong in their presentations of a Shakespearian monologue and sonnet.” Evelyn placed in the finals winning a monetary award from the ESU.

Congratulations to both Ranney competitors!

For additional information on all Ranney School news, please contact the Communications Department at communications@ranneyschool.org.


Ranney School

235 Hope Road
Tinton Falls, NJ 07724
Tel. 732.542.4777

Our mission is to know and value every child, nurturing intellectual curiosity and confidence, and inspiring students to lead honorably, think creatively, and contribute meaningfully to society.